Monday, May 19, 2008

Three Univegans walk into a bar...

The bike crew was in full force last week. I wonder what will happen when Mooney and I are the only ones with gears? Can we still be friends? In any event, the stock shooting continues amongst some other fun facets of our existence. Should be getting the epic journey's Velvia rolls any day now...

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have a little backlog of work on my plate so I pushed these few through from the last few days. Stock class is the bomb. These are all straight from the camera, no edits yet.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

{Minutes turn to days which turn to weeks...}

...and all the sudden its been forever since an update. Whats up everybody. This post has been in the works for a while. It dates all the way back to the Vegas Rockabilly Weekender where I saw people drink out of a boot for the first time. Next came Passover back in the mitten state. I finished up my website (for the most part) and am pleased with the result. you can view it here. Right about that time Paul Niemi graced our lives with his presence for the weekend.
The next week Brett and I rode our bikes from Ventura to San Diego. The ride was a great challenge and tons of fun. I shot film the whole way down so pics from that are coming soon. Until then, here is a little visual catch up.