Monday, June 30, 2008

Today I learned

that water has physical properties that actually make you feel better. Something about it giving off negative ions or added oxygen. I was eager to test this knowledge today, but the waves were not happening at our local haunt. Its okay though - saturday and sunday were by far the best days in the water so far. Sadly, no images from the ocean yet. We are too scared of losing the camera to the sea. Olympus needs to develop some sort of flotation device and then that little thing would be perfect.
Instead, here are some pictures from the last week or so. There was a small brush fire on one of my favorite hillsides in Cali. and we spent some time in an artichoke field. They sure are weird plants.

1 comment:

BrettZiegler said...

why dont you tie a floating device to the wrist strap? Negative ions and added oxygen will protect your camera!